Lake Washington

Kayaking Cousins | via

Kayaking Cousins

It’s Monday, folks. And the first day of August. Whaaaat?  I know, how in the world did that happen? I have a lot of posts to catch up on this month, but for now, I give you my new favorite picture from summer.  Joe and his little cousin, Miss Morgan, enjoying Uncle Ladd and Aunt […] Read more…

Tips for a good staycation | via

SUP, everyone! And a few good staycation tips …

A three-day holiday weekend is perfect for a little staycation, wouldn’t you agree? While I am longing for a true “unplugged” vacation, if you will, this will just have to wait until August, when I’ve slated 10+ days for a trip to Hawaii. (Sigh. Hawaii.) Instead, we took advantage of the 4th of July weekend and […] Read more…

Lake. Family. Golf. Ice Cream. Repeat.

Has it really been 9-1/2 years since Teacher Man and I became parents? Now our redheaded, freckled boy is his own little man – always creative and sometimes cautious, baseball player and pianist, funny man and artist/writer. Just seconds after he came into the world, he promptly peed all over his Dad. It is still […] Read more…