
Date Weekend via

Date Weekend

Hey friends, It’s 44 degrees and raining out right now. Rather than commiserate about the weather (as I know this is just the beginning …), I’ll highlight a few of my favorite photos from my “date weekend” with Teacher Man. Both Joe and Teacher Man were off from school Thursday and Friday last week. Joe […] Read more…

Weekend snaps + some news | via

Weekend Snaps + LuLaRoe News

Happy Sunday, friends! My boys and I had a great couple of days. Yesterday, we hopped in our car to find some fall colors (a bit elusive with the cloudy skies and rain) and grab lunch at this out-of-the-way (see also hole-in-the-wall) restaurant. The burgers (and chicken strips, of course) and tots were absolutely fantastic […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | Flowers, Finery & Fun via

Weekend Snaps | Flowers, Finery & Fun

Here we are on the last Sunday in August. How did THAT happen? Teacher Man goes back to school tomorrow (it’s workshop week) and Joe has just one week of vacation left. While I know I will eventually be happy to get back on a regular schedule, I don’t think I’m quite ready for this yet. Not that […] Read more…

What I'm Wearing - LuLaRoe | via #HowIRoe #Leggings

What I’m Wearing | LuLaRoe

Life has been crazy busy since June so I haven’t had as much time to blog at all – much less blog any recipes (which take a little more time) or sneak in a Turkey Tuesday post – sorry about that! But it’s been a great summer so far, and we’re looking forward to a […] Read more…

Piano | via

Off to Duluth!

Hello friends! I’ll be taking a few days off from blogging as I’m heading “up north” as we say in Minnesota – to Duluth for the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association annual Summer Conference. I’m looking forward to seeing all my “turkey peeps”, as we gather for education sessions, networking, and plenty of turkey! (Although, I am […] Read more…

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