
LuLaRoe Pattern Mixing | via

Overdue for some randomness!

I’m long overdue for some randomness, I think. If you regularly follow my blog then you know I just have to throw an occasional random post in with something like a hundred different thoughts that are completely unrelated. I’m like that.  I like random. 1) I realized tonight, after a particularly stressful day (don’t worry […] Read more…

Looking Ahead | via

Looking Ahead!

Hello 2017! I don’t think I’ve ever been someone who wants to spend a lot of time looking back at the year that was. When I was an editor of a weekly newspaper back in the day, one of my responsibilities was to recap the entire year and write about the highlights in the last […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | All in for a LuLaRoe Launch!

Happy Sunday, friends! How has your weekend been?  Typically my Weekend Snaps posts contain a variety of photos of what we’ve been up to, but this weekend, I must admit that I have been mostly LuLaRoe focused. Now don’t worry, I still had plenty of family time, including a movie date with Joe to see […] Read more…

Official LuLaRoe Fashion Consultant | via #lularoe #lularoeleggings #lularoeobsessed #lularoelife

I’m LuLaRoe Official!

Happy Post Thanksgiving, friends! I hope you enjoyed plenty of turkey and all of your favorites. We had a fabulous time at the farm with so much good food, good wine, and good company!  But … the real reason for my post tonight is to share that I received an early Thanksgiving gift. I finally […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | Snow and Stuff

Weekend Snaps | Snow and Stuff

Happy Sunday! I’m watching the Minnesota Vikings game right now and waiting for Joe to get home from a friend’s house so I thought I’d jot a quick blog post for you all. Another fun weekend is almost in the books as we head straight into … Turkey Week! Friday = Best Mom Ever Award […] Read more…

5 Days of LuLaRoe Outfits

Okay, obviously I am in love with all my LuLaRoe clothing – which is handy, considering I figure I’m just a few days away from being an official LuLaRoe Fashion Consultant! It’s going to be so exciting getting my first boxes of inventory and sifting through them to see what I received. (I will know what […] Read more…

A LuLaRoe Kind of Day

Okay, so my sister has informed me that pretty much every day is a LuLaRoe day for me. I can’t lie – she’s right! I can’t stop wearing my LuLaRoe – it’s so comfy and fun and just brightens my day.  As my onboarding date as a LuLaRoe fashion consultant moves ever closer (just a […] Read more…

LuLaRoe | My Why via

LuLaRoe: My Why

Earlier in October, I signed the paperwork to be a LuLaRoe Fashion Consultant, which I announced in this blog post. Since then, I have been patiently (sort of) waiting to get my official “onboarding” phone call, expected about 8 weeks or so after that initial paperwork was submitted. I also immediately began the process of […] Read more…

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