
Joe's confirmation | via printmyemotions.com

Joe’s Confirmation

And that’s a wrap! Joe’s confirmation, that is. Three years of Bible study, small group sessions, sermon notes, and service projects and he has affirmed his faith and officially became an adult member of the church now. We’re obviously proud parents, although not necessarily because he completed all his requirements. That’s not surprising for Joe […] Read more…

Minnesota Lake Life

Saturday Morning Tranquility.

I can’t remember the last time I simply sat outside on a Saturday morning, sipped coffee, and read a magazine. Usually at home I’m always thinking of the next thing that needs to get done or I’m on some kind of schedule – generally self-imposed, mind you. Not today. My brother and sister-in-law borrowed (okay, […] Read more…

Wordless Wednesday: Wishful Thinking.

Wishful thinking for a garden bed full of bright, colorful zinnias. Current temperature: -8 degrees (and that doesn’t count the wind chill). Yes, it’s January and yes, it’s Minnesota. But I can still take out my garden catalogs and wish for warmer, spring days. It’s what we do here in Minnesota when the weather gets […] Read more…

Girls Weekend 2013 | Twin Cities

I feel like I am way too tired to write coherently tonight, but I want to share a few photos from my completely fabulous girls’ weekend. I’ve been getting together with my cousin, Christine, every November for the past 15 years – she lives in Iowa and this is our one time each year that […] Read more…

Home on the Farm

This weekend we spent part of our time at “The Farm”, where I grew up. This is where my parents have lived for over four decades, and where my brother and his family also live. My parents built their house while I was a baby and we moved there from town when I was about […] Read more…