
Ruffled Feathers over Subway

I’m struggling a bit to gauge my reactions to the Subway announcement this week that essentially toughened the chain’s stance on antibiotic use in food animals. Starting in 2016, Subway will only serve meat never treated with antibiotics. And as Watt Poultry noted here, this comes a month or so after the chain got a failing grade […] Read more…

I've Been Ignoring You.

I’ve been ignoring you.  I’m so, so sorry. I want to blog, I really do. I would blog every day if I didn’t have, well, a whole mountain of other responsibilities to take care of first. You know, things like a full-time job and family activities and picking up special dog food at the vet’s […] Read more…

Laying hens

Common Sense Chicken Truths

Full disclosure: I have been stewing a bit about a comment about eggs and laying hens I read on Facebook for at least a week now. If you are a regular reader of this blog, then you know I’ve written about eggs and the misconceptions about egg farming before – in fact, my post “Can […] Read more…

Turkey | via printmyemotions.com

Wordless Wednesday (Gobble Gobble!)

Happy Wednesday, turkey lovers! I took this photo a few years ago in a turkey barn just south of the Twin Cities. I am sharing it today because it’s a chance for me to show you what turkeys eat every day: a perfectly nutritious mix of corn and soybean meal, with some vitamins and minerals […] Read more…

Social Media Numbers Game

(I apologize in advance if this is a long, rambling blog post on social media analytics. I know, the word “analytics” alone is a snore-fest, right? But you see, I’ve been thinking about this subject all day and it’s starting to make my head hurt. However, I decided if I could write down a few […] Read more…

My Turkey Family

I was reminded this weekend that I am lucky to have an extended “family” who I also happen to work for as the communications director for the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association (or MTGA for short). After 17 years with the organization, it only makes sense that I would get to know many of these people […] Read more…

Deep Breath … Here I Go!

So the thing about starting a blog is – I’m ridiculously nervous about it. I want the title to be exactly right and the design to look “like me”. And heaven forbid I actually write the first blog post. Will it be interesting? funny? worthwhile enough for anyone who happens to read it? Of course […] Read more…