
Weekend Snaps | Stacay Vacay | via #mnblogger #springbreak #minnesota

Weekend Snaps | Staycay Vacay

Oh sadness. My week-long staycation vacation is nearly over. Sigh. Life does go on and I suppose it’s time to get back to the office and get a head start on my spring to-do list. Joe, too, will head back to school tomorrow for the start of his fourth quarter. (Just a few weeks from […] Read more…

Let Hawaii Happen.

  You may not hear from me for a while but I have a good excuse. It’s called vacation. We’re in Hawaii – Teacher Man and Joe, along with my parents. Lots of memory making! Today it’s all about Kaanapali Beach in Lahaina, Maui. We’ll also do some sightseeing when we’re here. I’ll catch you […] Read more…

A Slow Summer Day.

Remember that post last year I wrote about embracing days off from work? Okay, I do but you probably don’t. (You can find it here.) Well, I’m embracing that concept this summer. This doesn’t mean I’m not working – or that I don’t take my work very seriously. Of course, I enjoy my job immensely; […] Read more…

Angry Birds prizes for the goodie bags!

Here's to a Vacation Day!

I read an article today in the Twin Cities Star Tribune about how Americans don’t take all of their vacation days either because of a lack of time or a lack of money – or both, I am sure. This isn’t exactly news – I think most of us have heard this before, and it’s […] Read more…