I am on vacation this week, and I have instructed the office not to call me unless it is a dire emergency.  Since I work with very smart and understanding coworkers, I am sure they will heed my plea. (Seriously. I have awesome coworkers.) I need this week off. We don’t have big plans and, mostly, I am organizing my son’s social life and getting him to and from swimming lessons, but that’s okay. Sometimes I just want to be a Mom with no other titles.

Today – our first ‘official’ day of staycation – was near perfection.

My kiddo loves to swim and spent hours in this pool today.

I took Joe to my sister’s home, where we could take advantage of her community pool. She – being the amazing Auntie that she is – packed a picnic lunch of peanut butter sandwiches and Cheeto’s Puffs and lemonade, which is near perfection for the 9-year-old. (Especially the Cheeto’s part.) And I got to admire her itty bitty baby bump and talk to her about her upcoming ultrasound, where she and her husband will likely find out the sex of their baby. Fun!

When my sister and I finally got into the pool to swim with Joe, he said this: “Why do you ladies always have to have a conversation?” Oh Joe, you have much learn about women!

Aunt Jodi and Joe | Printmyemotions
Joe and his Auntie Jodi – and if you look behind them, you can see Jodi’s dog Avery – photo bomb! Ha!
Lara, Joe and Joe | Printmyemotions
Here’s a “selfie” with Joe and my sister after our day at the pool. Smiles all around! (And this is despite the rather lackluster flat hair I have, after an afternoon of lounging at the pool.)

Tonight after heating up leftovers (hey, I’m on vacation – don’t judge), I went out to water some flowers and inspect the gardens. I don’t know why I feel I need to inspect the gardens most nights, but I do. I guess it’s the farm girl in me – I like to see the daily progress and also keep a good handle on the weeds too. I found much to delight in tonight!

Marigolds - not fancy, but they never disappoint. Plus the rabbits don't like them - a plus in my garden!
Marigolds – not fancy, but they never disappoint. Plus the rabbits don’t like them – a plus in my garden. You can’t believe how many bunnies we have running around here, taunting me on a daily basis.
My mother bought this daylily for me because its name is "Duke of Earl". Perfect for a family that has a pug named Earl!
My mother bought this daylily for me because its name is “Duke of Earl”. Perfect for a family that has a pug named Earl. And funny that it came from her, as she likes to think she is not really a “dog person.” Truth is, most of my family’s dogs love my Mom, probably because she is generous with food scraps in the kitchen. 😉
I have been obsessed with my zinnias lately - sorry. But these "Magellan" Zinnias don't disappoint and blend perfectly with the white phlox ("David") and the Russian sage.
If you’ve seen my other blog posts and some of my Facebook and Twitter postings, then you know I have been obsessed with my zinnias lately. But these colorful “Magellan” Zinnias are amazing in their abundance and blend perfectly with the white phlox (“David”) and the Russian sage.
I have two sunflower plants that came up by seed (meaning, I didn't plant them). They are almost ready to bloom, which makes both Joe and I happy - sunflowers are his favorite flower, I think because they are yellow and he has loved the color yellow since he was a toddler.
I have two sunflower plants that came up by seed (meaning, I didn’t plant them). They are almost ready to bloom, which makes both Joe and I happy – sunflowers are his favorite flower, I think because they are yellow and he has loved the color yellow since he was a toddler.
I can't remember the exact variety of this rudbeckia (Mom - help?) but it's super tall and absolutely glorious as a backdrop in my landscape.
I can’t remember the exact variety of this rudbeckia (Mom – help?) but it’s super tall and absolutely glorious as a backdrop in my landscape.

And after my garden inspection, I cozied up in my porch, with Earl the Pug at my feet, with a wonderful glass of wine. On a Monday night. Because I can. And because I’m on a staycation.


A glass of wine with Earl the Pug at my feet.
A glass of wine with Earl the Pug at my feet.

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