“The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just on the body, but the soul.”

– Alfred Austin

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What is it about the garden that just calms me? I didn’t do much tonight except some stray weeding but even that is a stress reliever of sorts.

Life has been busy, as you well know if you read my blog regularly. Last week, I was gone for several days, working at the summer conference of my organization (Minnesota Turkey Growers Association), and even with that big event in the books, life doesn’t slow down. I’ve got publications to finish, websites to update, a Washington DC trip for work in the planning stages, and several other projects in various stages of un-doneness.

No complaints, mind you – I enjoy my job for the most part. But I’m not going to lie. I can’t wait to take a few days off in August. It is summer, after all – and here in Minnesota, it’s a very short-lived season.

For now, I get a little mini-vacay, I suppose, by escaping to my gardens any time I want. Nothing wrong with that.

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The Lady’s Mantle is in full glory right now on the north side of my house.

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These peach colored asiatic lilies make a pretty statement. And yes, I’m still protecting my dahlias from Bunnydom.

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Raspberry colored mums.

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I’m so glad my rose bush is making a comeback. It appeared that some aphids and worm-like bugs did a number to the leaves before I finally got some insecticide spray. So far so good, though, as I see several blooms and the leaves are also making a comeback.

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Speaking of bunnydom (or maybe deer?), my celery was chomped a couple of times but these baskets seem to be doing their job – at least for now.

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(Ignore the weeds.) Joe wanted me to plant a row of mammoth sunflowers in the yellow bean garden bed and the plants are really doing well so far. (This particular garden bed is at the very end of our property line.) Fingers crossed that the deer won’t find these, which has been known to happen. I did spray some “Liquid Fence” deer repellent product on them before I left town last week – as a bit of insurance.

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My favorite container right now. I could literally sit and stare at it all evening. (I know, #GardenNerd.) If you look closely, you’ll spot Earl the pug assuming his usual position by the front window.

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See what I mean? This container is almost iridescent!

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Our catalpa tree is blooming and I’m just blown away by how interesting this bloom is! I really knew nothing about these trees until a friend of ours gave us a few seedlings to plant. Isn’t it just so very cool looking?

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This is my favorite spot to sit, sip some wine (or a sidecar), and stop time for a little while. Well, as long as the mammoth Minnesota mosquitoes don’t come and carry me away.

I’ll be back again soon with some turkey recipes up my sleeve to share with you!

– Lara –

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