Who says I need to have a specific topic to write a post?

I haven’t been totally random in a while. (Um, Teacher Man would probably disagree, but I’m specifically talking about my blog here.)

And I miss it. I miss the creativity of just typing out whatever comes to mind. (Well, okay, I do edit. A little. But mostly it’s stream of consciousness stuff.)

So … just because I can, I give you total randomness:

  • I should be working right now instead of blogging, or at the very least, packing lunch for tomorrow or getting something done around the house. But (no guilt) instead I’m doing what I love to do – write! – and the work will get done tomorrow. At least I think it will. Mostly.
  • I found a new blog, courtesy of a Facebook friend of mine. It’s called “Wine. All The Time” and it’s freaking hilarious. Well, of course I love it, I love wine. Her posts made me laugh out loud and want to share all her stuff. Except that she uses some occasional harsh language, which might upset my mother. (But for the rest of you, my favorite posts currently are here and here.)
  • I read this post tonight about a mom who kind of “forgot” that she can’t get the years back. That once her son is 13, he’s 13. And there I sat at the kitchen counter, weepy and a little sad because my almost 12-year-old is growing up before my very eyes and I can’t slow it all down like I want to sometimes.
  • Earl the pug will turn 15 this month. Yes, 15! I’m thinking I should collect a few photos of him from puppy to what we lovingly refer to as “old man pug”, and post a little birthday tribute to him. 
  • How do people get organized enough to get their Christmas shopping done before December? I am seriously terrible at that – which is why I’m looking at the calendar and realizing that I only have a couple of open/available weekend days before Christmas. This is also why online shopping is my friend.
  • Of course, then I turn around and I buy myself a lefse grill for an early Christmas gift. I’m organized enough to do that. Ironic.
  • I’m seriously wondering if I will be able to make lefse successfully without my mother by my side to give me step-by-step instruction. I’m going to find out, of course, but I’m not entirely confident. It’s kind of like my Aunt Shirley’s “kringla” recipe … the instructions seem easy but kringla making is a skill I have yet to completely master. I swear all the Norwegian specialties are like this. Why?
  • For the record, I ordered our Christmas cards in November and had them at my house before Thanksgiving. They are, however, still in the original shipping box and I have yet to print mailing labels. I do this every year.
  • A few of my favorite Christmas ornaments – the two in the middle are vintage; the rest are new – on our tree right now:

Christmas Ornaments - some vintage, some new | via printmyemotions.com

  • I did buy our niece Morgan the coolest birthday present tonight, but I’m pretty sure her parents are going to be all – and just where are we going to put this? once she opens it!
  • A photo of the front of our house during the snow that came down the other evening – with a cool HD filter from my Snapseed app:

Winter Wonderland | via printmyemotions.comAlright, randomness must come to an end tonight. And I don’t know about you, but I feel much better. 🙂 Sometimes a girl just needs to blog about nothing and everything all at once.

Thanks for hanging in there with me!

Later, friends –



4 Comments on Total random writing.

    • I love your site, Marissa – so much fun, along with useful wine information! 🙂 Thanks for stopping by – Happy Holidays!

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