So I didn’t really hibernate all weekend (see yesterday’s blog post). 

We actually decided a week or so ago that it had been way too long since we’ve seen our niece/goddaughter, Miss Morgan. We took matters into our own hands and basically told my sister and brother-in-law that we planned to “steal” Morgan on Saturday for a sleepover at our house. 

What followed was a weekend with a very busy two-year-old full of new words, silliness, giggles, girly time, and “whatcha doing?” questions. And we loved every minute of it!

Weekend Snaps | Toddler in the House! via

First stop – Target for groceries … and perhaps a Princess dress and Frozen placemat and something both Joe and Morgan requested – White Cheddar Cheez-Its! Those two must be kindred snack souls.

Weekend Snaps | Toddler in the House! via

Yep. We couldn’t help it. This girl needs a Disney Princess dress! I texted this photo to her father, who promptly responded, “Good Lord.” Which promptly made me chuckle. Win for Auntie Lara! 😉

Weekend Snaps | Toddler in the House! via

And of course, a princess dress needs painted fingernails and toenails. Morgan got out all of my color options and proceeded to pick shades of blue for our toes and purple (her favorite color) for her fingers. 

Weekend Snaps | Toddler in the House! via

Nails done!

Weekend Snaps | Toddler in the House! via

Uncle Teacher Man had a fun surprise for Miss Morgan – owl earrings!

Weekend Snaps | Toddler in the House! via

Miss Morgan loves owls … which look pretty cute with those huge brown eyes of hers. 🙂

Weekend Snaps | Toddler in the House! via

Besides painting nails and having an awesome spice cabinet to dig around in, I guess I’m known by Miss Morgan for, oddly, my huge box of pencils and a cool pencil sharpener. And every time she wanted to make a mess of the pencils, she would look at me intently and ask very politely, “Dump?” Could you resist this face? I don’t think so!

Weekend Snaps | Toddler in the House! via

Joe got out all his old Thomas the Tank Engine trains and tracks and taught Morgan a thing or two about what he loved to do best at her age. He would spend hours upon hours playing with trains as a toddler. It was a fun trip down memory lane for him – and cool to see that the little kid who loved trains is still inside him. 

Weekend Snaps | Toddler in the House! via

Morgan also help me make turkey burgers for supper. I taught her all about the proper spices for a tasty burger and she told me which spices smelled good. Winner? Cumin!

Weekend Snaps | Toddler in the House! via

These two. 🙂

I hope you enjoyed a few snaps from the weekend. I must admit that after we dropped her back off with her parents, we all took naps when we got home! I guess we’re not quite used to the toddler pace anymore, but it sure was fun while it lasted.

Hope your week is off to a great start!


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