My ideal morning? I just may have had it. (Okay, not counting if I was on the beach in Hawaii or enjoying pain au chocolat in Paris or a pint of Harp in Ireland.)

Simple pleasures. And a free morning to enjoy them. That’s all it takes.

My Ideal Morning | via

A mint condition mocha cooler from Caribou Coffee. Yes, there is coffee underneath all that whipped cream. Somewhere. Totally guilty pleasure for sure – I don’t have these often but today it was a treat.

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A pedicure with turquoise green toes – heavenly relaxation. And my favorite color for toes!

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Wine shopping at my favorite wine store, Haskell’s in Maple Grove. If you know me at all, then I don’t need to say anything more about this.

My Ideal Morning | via

A few picks for the weekend – including a favorite of mine, the Mer Soleil Silver unoaked chardonnay. It’s fabulous – and pretty much the only chardonnay I currently love to pieces. It’s a little pricey ($19.99) but fun for a special occasion. This particular bottle will travel to my sister and brother-in-law’s new house as a little house-warming present. My sister, incidentally, introduced me to this particular chardonnay!

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A little Easter basket – okay, Easter bag, I guess – shopping for my niece Morgan. I love the initials I found at Target this morning to decorate the bag! (This is about as crafty as I get, folks.) This bag is filled with a few fun toddler treats – like Play-Doh and a plant-your-own marigolds project – and some candy, of course.

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Although Joe is 12 and a little beyond the whole Easter Bunny concept, he still gets his own Easter bag (very plain and manly, if you notice), filled with candy and a little cash that he can put toward the new computer he is saving his money for.

My Ideal Morning | via

And speaking of Joe, this is a text he sent me this morning. Allow me to explain: on any given morning, he will always, ALWAYS put on the same black hooded sweatshirt and wear this to school. I know, right? Typical tween boy. Today, I decided it was time to put that hoodie in the wash, so I gave him a blue hoodie to wear instead. Hence, his text to tease me about this. 

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 And more of Joe’s sense of humor, as long as I’m on that subject. This decorative sign pretty much sums it up, I’d say. He found this a couple of years ago and insisted he buy it to give to Teacher Man for Christmas. 🙂

(Total random shout out to my brother-in-law, Clay, who bought me the white milk glass bowl in the front of this photo a couple of weeks ago. It’s a a fabulous piece to add to my collection of milk glass and a perfect candy dish, too!)

My Ideal Morning | via

Oh, one more thing to make my morning … a run on a sunny day (and why I never feel too guilty about that Mint Condition Caribou!). 

Joe asked me what I was going to do this morning when I dropped him off at school. I told him and he said, “So you’re not going to be home at all on a day you took off as vacation?” He couldn’t quite understand why I wouldn’t park myself in the house, which I think would be his dream – along with unlimited video game time. I explained that, to me, a day off doesn’t necessarily mean I’m at home all day – although sometimes it does. But in this case, a day off is having the free time (and no schedule) to do things at my own pace and that make me happy. 

So that’s it – a pretty ideal morning for me and the perfect way to kick off the start of our spring break. We’re not traveling anywhere – consider it another one of my staycations – but that’s just fine with us. We’ve got plans around the house, we’re helping with my sister and brother-in-law’s house move, and we’re looking forward to seeing family this Easter weekend out at the farm.



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