We’ve had 3.6 inches of rain since Monday and it’s looking like Ireland around here. 🙂 

It’s always amazing to me how flowers and veggies and seeds just know when it’s a “real” rain from nature – and not the water from my hose. Everything has seemed to pop up big-time since Monday! And even though we had some wind and a little bit of hail, nothing seems any worse for the wear, thank goodness.

Here are a few pics from my garden to get you through the mid-week – enjoy!


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Garden Walk-About | via printmyemotions.com

A fun pot with petunias, osteospermum, and a cool crinkle flower (name escapes me and I’m not near the labels I saved). If you want to know, leave a comment and I’ll look it up for you!

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You can’t see it, but I have two of these particular lilac bushes – both about 8 feet tall and FULL of blooms. It already smells amazing and the blooms are just starting to open up.

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My pansies are still going strong. I sense a deep love of purple. Do you? 😉

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My scented geranium hanging basket. Love.

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Yellow and white – another favorite combination of colors.

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My dahlia in the evening sun.

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It won’t be long and my peonies will bloom and it will be spectacular!

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I’m not just all flowers … here’s a look at two of my vegetable beds, including this cherokee purple tomato plant. (Again with the purple. Hmmm.)

Garden Walk-About | via printmyemotions.com

And so much green on the north side of the house – perfect for hostas that match my running shoes. 🙂



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