Here’s something you probably don’t know about me: I have never made real, honest-to-goodness fried chicken until this weekend. Random, I know, but it seems strange that in almost 48 years, I’ve never even tried. 

That all changed Saturday night when I made some pretty dang fabulous fried chicken from this Food Network recipe courtesy of southern gal Katie Lee. Teacher Man and I were freaking out about how good this was. 

I did learn two things:

  1. It was, as expected, quite messy to prepare so wearing an apron was the smartest decision of the evening.
  2. I am pretty sure I never thanked my Grandma Doris enough for all the trouble she would go to for family dinners, often making 2 or 3 meats – including fried chicken because she knew I didn’t like beef as much. (I’ve always been a poultry girl!) How did she get all the meats and multiple side dishes ready at the same time? 

Aside from our life-changing meal (ha!), we had a pretty mellow weekend around here. I did some fall garden prep but not nearly as much as I wanted to because of 1) the ridiculously voracious mosquitos and 2) the bees, which were swarming all over my sedum. (I was hoping to divide some of my super big sedums but I didn’t want to aggravate all the bees. Plus, there was a big ole corn spider hanging out on each sedum I went to so … no thanks.)

Looking ahead, it’s the start of my birthday week, which is bound to bring some good vibes, right? It’s going to be super busy at work, with three separate day trips for meetings on the calendar so (not gonna lie) I’ll be ready for Friday night happy hour when it’s all said and done.

In the meantime, here are some of the latest pictures from the garden. September is really a pretty time as the hydrangeas are stunning and the zinnias are still going strong. Enjoy!


September Garden | via #gardening #gardenchat

Butterflies are almost magical … this monarch spent a lot of time in the lantana while I was sitting this close on the porch steps, just back from an afternoon run.

September Garden | via #gardening #gardenchat

Little Lime Hydrangea … can you get over these colors?!

September Garden | via #gardening #gardenchat

T. Rex Sedum – which is clearly taking after it’s name. It is soooo ginormous right now and needs to be divided yet this fall. 🙂

September Garden | via #gardening #gardenchat

I have one dahlia and this plant continues to reward me day after day. So pretty!

September Garden | via #gardening #gardenchat

View of the south side of our garage.

September Garden | via #gardening #gardenchat

Rudbeckia Laciniata – love the continuous blooms in summer/fall on this tall perennial.

September Garden | via #gardening #gardenchat

Creamy white zinnia … stunning!

September Garden | via #gardening #gardenchat

Limelight Hydrangea … imagine this shrub is 7-8 feet tall and full of these blooms. It sits on the corner of our property and it’s quite fabulous!

September Garden | via #gardening #gardenchat

And finally … I couldn’t resist taking a photo of the corn crop that is near our house. Won’t be long now and it will be harvest time around here!


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