Earl the Pug

Online Easter Sunday service in the age of COVID19

Easter Sunday

Happy Easter, friends! It is certainly like no other Easter Sunday for any of us. Easter Online I watched our church service online and I am struggling a little today with how to feel. Easter Sunday gives me hope and I feel comfort in listening to familiar Easter hymns and the pastor’s message. But I […] Read more…

Happy Independence Day | via printmyemotions.com

Weekend Snaps | Happy Independence Day

How was your holiday weekend? Ours was bittersweet as we had to say good-bye to our one and only Earl the Pug last Friday. This was painful. Utterly painful. But his 15 year old body was wearing out and we are comforted in knowing he is now playfully running his pug circles again. Someday I […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | Earl the Pug

Weekend Snaps | Earl the Pug

T minus 25 minutes until The Good Wife, which means I’m short on time and, to be honest, completely lacking in exciting topics to write about at this particular moment. So instead, I bring you … Earl the Pug photos!  Did you know … Earl is named after Teacher Man’s football hero, Earl Campbell – “The Tyler […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps - Happy Easter from the Farm! | via printmyemotions.com

Weekend Snaps: Happy Easter!

We’re back after a busy weekend that started at my sister and brother-in-law’s new house, helping them unpack, and ended at the farm for Easter.  I’m not going to lie. We got home at 5 pm tonight and I was in my pajamas in something like 15 minutes.  It definitely was a fun weekend all around. […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | via printmyemotions.com

Weekend Snaps: The Calm Before the Storm

I find myself sitting in our porch tonight under two of the most unlikely scenarios: The window is open on this crazy beautiful – warm! – March evening. I am all by myself. Well, not counting Earl the pug, who is snoring at my feet. But there is no Teacher Man or Joe Man here […] Read more…


Weekend Snaps | I Miss You Guys!

Oh my word, I absolutely can’t stand it when I don’t have the time to blog regularly.  If you follow me on Facebook, then you may have caught this picture I took last week – captioned, “What I feel like when I don’t have time to blog!”  And it’s true. I love to write and […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | Birthday Boy

Now that I’ve spent exactly 73 minutes (give or take) packing for a 4-day business trip to Atlanta, I think I need to quit obsessing about my wardrobe choices. Success for this particular packing experience = bringing a 2nd pair of boots and an extra pair of ballet flats in my carry-on. I just can’t […] Read more…

Weekend Snaps | Arctic Blast - via printmyemotions.com

Weekend Snaps | Arctic Blast

Oh my word has it been cold this weekend! I know, I know … I live in Minnesota, after all. But I don’t care how native you are to this state, when you wake up to this on your phone, it’s officially bleeping cold! This kind of cold doesn’t necessarily keep me tethered to the couch […] Read more…

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