I’m long overdue for some randomness, I think. If you regularly follow my blog then you know I just have to throw an occasional random post in with something like a hundred different thoughts that are completely unrelated.

I’m like that. 

I like random.

1) I realized tonight, after a particularly stressful day (don’t worry – I won’t bore you with the tedious details), that all I wanted was a glass of wine and some time just to be me in the kitchen and make soup. Some people probably head to the gym and work off their stress. This, of course, would likely be better (caloric-wise, anyway) than drinking wine and eating soup, but I’ve gotta be me. And wine and soup it is. Especially on a frigid January day. I felt sooooo much better after that. 

Random Thoughts | via printmyemotions.com

(Recipe – Cheesy Taco Soup with ground turkey!)

2) Our plumber called us to book an appointment from his vacation at a resort in Mexico today. Whaaaat? I mean, seriously? We didn’t ask him too – in fact, we told his company specifically to NOT have him call us when he was on vacation. But sure enough, the call came in. This makes me think that vacations have become an after thought in this country. We should ALL get time off from work, without having to worry about returning a phone call or email that isn’t at all urgent. We have the best plumber, believe me, and we’re glad he can handle the project we need him to handle in late January – but for the love of God, people, let your plumbers take a vacation. In fact, let us all have our vacation days.

3) Did you see me post this turkey salt-and-pepper shaker set on my Facebook page this week? Obviously I need this. 🙂 

Turkey salt and pepper shakers | via printmyemotions.com

4) I’ve been focusing on my LuLaRoe business in the evenings and weekends and I’d say I am totally digging all the pattern-mixing right now. That’s what I love about LuLaRoe – the clothing let’s me play around with different colors, patterns, and styles – much more than I ever did before. It’s a bit like dressing for fun (and just for me) like my 3-year-old niece, Miss Morgan does, but in a way that’s adult appropriate – but still makes me smile and feel happy!

LuLaRoe Pattern Mixing | via printmyemotions.com

LuLaRoe Pattern Mixing | via printmyemotions.com

LuLaRoe Pattern Mixing | via printmyemotions.com

Want to check out more LuLaRoe? Request to join my Facebook group here – I’d love to have you!

Embrace the randomness, my friends, and Happy Thursday night!



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