Minnesota Turkey

Thanksgiving in Washington DC - #PresidentialTurkey13 | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

Thanksgiving in Washington DC: #PresidentialTurkey13

I apologize in advance that I’m not going to be able to write a completely coherent blog post about Thanksgiving week. I seriously am staring at my computer screen at a loss for the right words to describe my experiences last week in Washington DC. Thrilling. Hilarious. Exhausting. Surreal. Memories of a lifetime. How else can […] Read more…

Turkey Queen in November

Here’s my shocking admission today: Sometimes I have pork envy. (Bacon? Have you noticed recently that it’s everywhere?) Sometimes I have dairy envy. (Those cute cows plus the milk mustaches – who can compete?) Sometimes I even have just a little beef envy (in the form of a big, juicy New York strip). But there […] Read more…

Creepy Finger Sticks with Turkey Pepperoni | via printmyemotions.com #serveturkey #turkeyeveryday #switchtoturkey

Creepy Finger Sticks for Halloween

I’ve worked for the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association for over 17 years, so by now, it’s no big surprise to my family and friends that I love to share good turkey recipes. This means even at Halloween, when these Creepy Finger Sticks fit the bill! This weekend, my brother and sister-in-law hosted their annual Halloween […] Read more…

My Turkey Family

I was reminded this weekend that I am lucky to have an extended “family” who I also happen to work for as the communications director for the Minnesota Turkey Growers Association (or MTGA for short). After 17 years with the organization, it only makes sense that I would get to know many of these people […] Read more…

Maybe I am an AgNerd

Let’s talk about being an “AgNerd,” shall we? Part of the reason I finally launched this blog – a much thought about dream of mine – can be traced back to Kansas City in August. I found myself smack dab in the middle of all these amazing social media rock stars/AgNerds who are on Twitter, […] Read more…

Deep Breath … Here I Go!

So the thing about starting a blog is – I’m ridiculously nervous about it. I want the title to be exactly right and the design to look “like me”. And heaven forbid I actually write the first blog post. Will it be interesting? funny? worthwhile enough for anyone who happens to read it? Of course […] Read more…

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