I have a couple of confessions tonight:

First of all, I really don’t have many photos from the weekend to share, except this one which I posted on Facebook. (So if you follow me on Facebook, I apologize this is a duplication.) 

Teacher Man | via printmyemotions.com

We had a special date night on Saturday, attending the wedding celebration of the son of some good friends of ours. It was a lovely night all around, and we stayed in downtown Saint Paul. Somehow the weather was absolutely phenomenal so walking around downtown between our hotel and the reception was crazy nice for December 5.

My second confession is the direct result staying up later than I usually do on Saturday night. I completely slept through the entire Minnesota Vikings game this afternoon. I know – whaaaat? This is significant for a couple of reasons:

1) I do sometimes nap on Sunday but rarely, if ever, does the nap last nearly 3 hours. This pushes the nap into #TeacherMan territory, as he may be the best Sunday napper I’ve every known.

2) Obviously I am emotionally disconnected to the Vikings, which I believe is smart at this point considering they got their behinds kicked by Seattle today. A nap turned out to be a much better decision than actually watching the game.

Which brings me to this, which I saw on Facebook tonight from Be Happy:

Funny meme about getting older | via printmyemotions.com

Hilarious and true.

Beyond those items, the weekend included an order for more venison (Teacher Man shot himself a buck Saturday morning with his muzzle loader); tackling some of my Christmas gift list by shopping locally at two of favorite stores in Buffalo (Patina and A Wreath of Franklin); and a 3-mile run on a very mild (remember – it’s December in Minnesota!), foggy Sunday afternoon. 

So really, that’s it. A great weekend all around.

Well, there is one last thing – in honor of the start of Hanukkah tonight, here’s the link to a post I wrote a couple of years ago about my family’s Hanukkah and Christmas traditions. Yes, we have both and you can find out why here

Happy Hanukkah to my friends and family who celebrate!

Menorah | printmyemotions.com


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