My Boy Joe

Day of Rest

I’ve been totally lax about posting this month. Okay, more like nonexistent since my Happy New Year post. That’s never my intention, but sometimes life gets in the way. 😉 Work has ramped up, as it always does, once January 1 hits. (Which isn’t to say I was bored prior to that – far from […] Read more…

Monday Randomness | via

Monday Randomness

It’s a good Monday evening when I can have a grilled cheese sandwich for supper with Joe,  finish my workout by 8 p.m., and tune in to The Voice while writing some new blog posts.  It doesn’t take much to make me happy. 😉 This also made me happy this morning: Harvest time. This was […] Read more…

Joe's confirmation | via

Joe’s Confirmation

And that’s a wrap! Joe’s confirmation, that is. Three years of Bible study, small group sessions, sermon notes, and service projects and he has affirmed his faith and officially became an adult member of the church now. We’re obviously proud parents, although not necessarily because he completed all his requirements. That’s not surprising for Joe […] Read more…

Joe's favorite chocolate chip cookies | via

Joe’s Favorite Chocolate Chip Cookies

Happy Sunday night … and the night before the 2018-19 school year starts!  While I can’t believe my baby is headed to high school, Joe has assured me he is ready to start the new school year. His binder is ready and lunch is packed, complete with his favorite chocolate chip cookies. I shared this […] Read more…

Moms lip syncing to their kids playing Fortnite

Monday Funny

Who doesn’t love a gut-busting Monday funny after a weekend? (Or in my case, back to work after two weeks out of the office – gah!) If you are a mom (or a dad) and you have boys (or girls) who also happen to be into video games, then you will 100% relate to this […] Read more…

Buffalo Books & Coffee | Buffalo MN

Staycation: Hanging with Joe Day

Another post so soon? I know – what is happening in my world right now? 😉 I just had to share a couple of moments I had with Joe today. Teacher Man left this morning for a two-day golf trip with his good friend, Jim, so Joe and I had the house to ourselves. Joe […] Read more…

Hayes Public House

May is Busy, You Guys!

May is so busy, you guys — but we’re also getting excited for the end of the school year. Last band concert, last piano recital, last confirmation class … all the lasts of 8th grade are descending upon us. I think it’s safe to say, though, that both boys are definitely ready for summer break. […] Read more…

Music and Family

Music and Family

Tonight was Joe’s last 8th grade jazz band concert … there will be many more concerts, I’m sure, but suddenly we will find our son in high school and we will wonder how that exactly happened so quickly. My parents, sister, and niece came to the concert and we had the most fun time enjoying […] Read more…

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