flower gardening

August gardens via printmyemotions.com

August Gardens

August gardens mean … loads of color, endless blooms, and (in my case) an over-abundance of yellow beans (brought on by my enthusiasm for planting seeds in the spring, no doubt)! The flowers are in their hey day, though … enjoy! ‘David’ phlox and ‘Bubblegum’ petunias, which are growing like crazy! I love this combination […] Read more…

Buffalo, MN | via printmyemotions.com

Hello Summer!

Now that June has arrived, I feel like summer is here and I am wondering why there is still three days of school left. I am ready for Teacher Man and Joe to have a break, although this means that I have an incoming freshman in high school in my house.  Whaaaat? Even though I […] Read more…

Zinnia | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

Zinnia Perfection.

I’m just going to leave these two photos right here and share some zinnia trivia with you: These varieties are why zinnias are among my top 5 favorite flowers. At the rehearsal dinner the night before my wedding, we had arrangements of zinnias on each table. If I owned my own retail store, which would be […] Read more…

Becky Daisy | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

A Garden Walk-About in July.

I arrived home today from the lake, completely relaxed and stress-free from my mini-vacation (click here for my post yesterday on this) – and consequently I am not at all ready to get back to the office tomorrow. It’s probably an understatement to say that I’m ready for a real vacation – a total get-away that […] Read more…

The Glory of Gardening | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com #gardening #gardenchat

The Glory of Gardening.

“The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just on the body, but the soul.” – Alfred Austin What is it about the garden that just calms me? I didn’t do much tonight except some stray weeding but even that […] Read more…

Garden Walk-About in June | via printmyemotions.wordpress.com

Garden Walk-About

I love this time of year in my gardens. It takes a while for plants to really hit their stride in Minnesota, but by early June, I see a lot of green and blooms are starting to make their appearances as well. My trusty garden gnome watches over the gardens. Behind him is a container […] Read more…

Wordless Wednesday: A Little Hydrangea Heaven

Flowers always make people better, happier and more helpful; they are sunshine, food and medicine for the soul. – Luther Burbank Aren’t these ‘Annabelle’ Hydrangea blooms crazy gorgeous? The blooms have now officially changed from white to green and they are absolutely enormous. I’m holding three blooms here and couldn’t even get my iPhone camera […] Read more…

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