About Me

About Town | printmyemotions.com

About Town

It was a glorious September day … the sun came out and the temps soared to about 80 degrees with a light breeze and low humidity. These are the days we must cherish now for soon, winter will descend upon Minnesota and we will be trying to remember what a little heat felt like. I […] Read more…

Buffalo MN Architecture via printmyemotions.com

Buffalo MN | Architecture

I should’ve gone for a run tonight, but my mind wasn’t into it and my body felt tired. Rather than fight it, I decided to walk instead to help clear the clutter from my day. And you know what? My eyes suddenly opened up to my surroundings and realized my little community has a lot […] Read more…

Heading into a big week.

I have the hardest time falling asleep on Sunday nights. I probably should be better about keeping a normal sleep pattern over the weekend but when push comes to shove and I can sleep in a little now, I do. Which leaves me wide awake at 11 pm on Sunday, of course. Tomorrow I’m off […] Read more…

Lately | via printmyemotions.com


(Full and total disclosure: Okay, so I wrote this on Sunday but didn’t have a chance to post it until I got back home. Today. Five days later. Sigh. Welcome to my world.) I’m writing this from a flight enroute to Orlando for the National Turkey Federation Annual Convention – my second work trip in […] Read more…

LuLaRoe Pattern Mixing | via printmyemotions.com

Overdue for some randomness!

I’m long overdue for some randomness, I think. If you regularly follow my blog then you know I just have to throw an occasional random post in with something like a hundred different thoughts that are completely unrelated. I’m like that.  I like random. 1) I realized tonight, after a particularly stressful day (don’t worry […] Read more…

Girls Weekend 2016 | Ideas in the Twin Cities via printmyemotions.com #girlsweekend #mommybreak

Girls Weekend 2016

Another fabulous Girls Weekend is in the books. How did that happen? We spend weeks planning and anticipating, it’s all over in a heartbeat, and now we start the process all over again for 2017. 🙂  This year we made downtown Saint Paul our home base (love the Embassy Suites!) and branched out from there. […] Read more…

LuLaRoe | My Why via printmyemotions.com

LuLaRoe: My Why

Earlier in October, I signed the paperwork to be a LuLaRoe Fashion Consultant, which I announced in this blog post. Since then, I have been patiently (sort of) waiting to get my official “onboarding” phone call, expected about 8 weeks or so after that initial paperwork was submitted. I also immediately began the process of […] Read more…

I {Heart} Fall via printmyemotions.com

Fall Colors (Or … I {Heart} Fall)

Fall colors are calling me. I’ll be the first to admit I’m a summer kind of girl. I love the heat. I love wearing sundresses and sandals and not having to schlep a jacket everywhere I go. A beach trip? I’m there.  However, I will say there is nothing quite like the colors of fall. […] Read more…

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